永續社區理念之社區營造評估體系建構之研究: 以台南縣市社區營造為例Developing an Evaluation Framework for Community Empowerment from the Viewpoint of Sustainable Communities: A Study on the Experiences of Tainan City and Tainan County


The concept of community empowerment has received widespread attention in Taiwan.However, whether or not the community empowerment in Taiwan actually promotes the sustainable development of its localities remains an unanswered question. Therefore, developing a suitable evaluation framework to examine the impact and effectiveness of the community empowerment activities in Taiwan has become an important research issue. In considering this framework from the viewpoint of sustainable communities, and by using the experiences of Tainan City and Tainan County as examples, this study attempts to explore this research issue. By incorporating research methods involving interviews, field surveys, community group processes, fuzzy set theory, and the AHP method, this research develops an evaluation framework for examining the community empowerment practice in Taiwan. After our empirical investigation, an evaluation framework including five dimensions and 27 elements is proposed and tested to be appropriate. The research also compares the cognitive differences in terms of the elements of the evaluation framework among the major decision-making groups in order to build a consensus on community empowerment.
Key words: sustainable communities, community empowerment, evaluation framework,
fuzzy theory, analytic hierarchy process.

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