台北都匯區第二屋購屋行為之研究-從第一屋與第二屋特徵差異分析The Buyer's Behavior of the Second Homes in Taipei--An Analysis of Attributes of the first home to second home



The high ownership rate is the feature in Taiwan. For the increasing GDP, investment motive and quality needs, the sub-market of second homes will be popular in Taiwan. There are some discussion of the second homes issue in the U.S., but no reference in Taiwan yet. Therefore, we would like to discuss the Features about second homes in Taiwan in order to know the behavior of second homes and the features of the second homes sub-market.
We use the second homes from the housing stock database of government. We analyze the influence of housing choice by compare the difference of one's first home and second home so that find the featurcs of behavior of sccond homc consumption. We found that the owner will buy more quality house than previous home for the consumption use, and they also have the "'emotion" and "Iocation" preference so that to choice the house near and the same building type than previous homc. This is the first time that we got the evidence about the buyer's behavior of second home. Furthermore, the buyers' that face the output of housing services about Self-Occupancy and Non-Self-Occupancy would pay housing services about living first, and have shorter interval time which purchase both houses.
Key words: second home, buyer's behavior, self-occupancy, non-self-occupancy

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