Registration Details for AsRES 2022 Conference in Tokyo

Dear Friends of AsRES


Greetings from Tokyo.


We are pleased to invite all of you to “The 26th AsRES Annual Conference: 2022 AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, Tokyo, Japan.”


Now, all three-time vaccinated participants who tested negative (*1, *2) - except those coming from the designated countries and regions listed below (*3) – will have “basically ZERO” quarantine days upon arriving in Japan. Also, the participants can accompany people to Japan as well. (*4, *5 for quarantine periods.)


We kindly remind you that the definition of three-time vaccination is strict as shown in footnote *1. The participants who do not meet the definition are encouraged to arrive in Tokyo three days prior to the conference.


In addition, all participants are supposed to apply for a visa to enter Japan. The Tokyo team will take care of preparing and sending the necessary documents once your registration is completed. You will receive an email with the necessary documents attached within about 10 days after registration.


Currently, the Japanese government is planning to relax the conditions with respect to entering Japan at the end of May. We will keep in touch in order to update you with the latest information on your travel to Japan.


In this regard, we would appreciate it if you would consider coming to the Tokyo Conference on August 4-7. 


On the other hand, we sincerely understand that some friends prefer attending online. Of course, you are also welcome to attend the Tokyo Conference online. Online participants can enjoy keynote speeches via the Internet on Day 1. Also, they will present their papers on virtual-only Day 4. (We might let Day 3 be virtual-only as well, depending on the number of submissions.)


Last but not least, we would like to remark that we have just sent the notification of accepted papers for both AsRES and AREUEA sessions. ALL AUTHORS whose papers are accepted to present at AsRES-AREUEA 2022 MUST REGISTER BY JUNE 15, 2022.

Registration Site:

We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Tokyo.


Important Dates (JST: Japan Standard Time)
June 3, 2022.               Submission of full paper for Best Paper Awards.

June 15, 2022.             Close of early-bird registration. ALL PRESENTERS MUST REGISTER BY THIS DATE.

July 4, 2022.                Submission of full paper for inclusion in oral presentation sessions.


Registration & Contact Information
Submission Site:



Hope to see you soon in Tokyo!!


Best regards

Hiroshi Ishijima, PhD

President of Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES)


Rose Neng LAI, PhD

Executive Director of Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES)

(02)8674-1111 轉 67412   